Lauren Eich

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Q2 Home Updates!

I realized a lot of my posts lately have been round-ups, and I was kind of starting to feel like a car salesman, so this post has ZERO product suggestions! I'm just showing my space like I used to before I started working with RewardStyle!


Hey y'all! I've been on a huge kick lately moving some furniture and changing up my spaces. I guess it's a case of spring cleaning! I've also had to clean out my guest room closet so my friend can move in, which means moving lots of storage bins around! I love having a motivator to get everything clean and updated, but whew. It's felt like a giant game of tetris at times😂

Living Room

You can click on any of these pictures to view them bigger! So when you walk in the front door you can see down my dark hallway into my (very bright in the afternoon) bedroom with the Paris Poster. And when you turn to your left you're in my living room. Or, you're actually in my living room as soon as you walk in, but I tried to designate the immediate space by the door as an "entry area" 

And then, I really can't not move furniture around. So I moved my couch about 90º so it faces my mantle straight on. I think I like how it helps to designate the area behind the couch as "entry" and which area is "living" space. The problem with it facing the mantle is that there isn't a ton of room to walk on either side of it. What do you think? Anyone else with long, narrow living rooms? 

I keep thinking that someday I'll put the couch on the wall to the right of the mantle, by the window. But that would also mean moving my tv.. and moving cables seems like something I shouldn't do without help from someone skilled in wiring. 

kitchen & DINING ROOM

I don't have very many pictures of my kitchen or my dining room, so I'm sharing them both here. My kitchen is hard to take pictures of because of the lack of lighting, the dark cabinets, and the yellow walls. I feel like every picture looks more yellow than I'd like for it too when I try to have the lights on, but I do love how dark & moody the ones I took the last rainy day look! A nice change from my usual bright lights. 


I'm not totally convinced that I have enough pictures of any one bedroom that would fill a gallery. So here are all three. The "blue" room is probably the one I take the most pictures of. It feels the most together I think. But I'm working on it for my room! Hopefully it will all come together soon! 

That's it! I figure y'all don't wanna see my laundry room or bathroom. They aren't anything special at the moment.