Floor Reveal: New Floors & Fall Decor
Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed Part One of the Floor Recap last week! I had so much fun going through and findin the old pictures– its crazy how much the floors have changed in the last three months! The whole project took a liiiiiittttttle longer than we expected– once they started taking the floors out of the dining room, they discovered a leak in my air conditioner had soaked the subfloors and had a pool of water under the house, so that took about two weeks to get resolved – apparently there was a leak in one of the lines, the drain was blocked, AND the whole machine wasn't level – so there was lots of work to be done in that closet. SEcond issue, when the people who came to dry out the floors in July were taking the oven outlet off of the wall, they broke it. So that had to involve a visit from the electrician. The elctrician ended up being at my house for a long time that day, because they had to fix "electrical problem #2"...When the flooring company installed the new hardwoods in the dining room, they didn't cut a hole for the outlet that was in the middle of the floor, so we asked the electrician to just disconnect the whole thing. THEN when I was planning on moving back in last week, my hot water heater wasn't working! I thought it was just that the pilot light when out, but when the plumbers came to re-install my dishwasher(that had to be removed when they were laying the tile) they looked at it and said the whole thing needed to be replaced!
Shoutout to Premier Services in Tuscaloosa for being amazing and friendly and communicative, and for helping me get back into a functioning house!
If you follow Little Bleu on Instagram, you may have seen the picture where I asked for opinions on the three stain colors... if not, these were the options!
I loved all the feedback I got! From the beginning I knew I wanted to go with something a little lighter, and a little less red than what the floors had been, but I couldn't go too light, because it had to still match the kitchen tile(at the bottom left of the stain samples!) So I chose the middle color(Minwax provincial) and I LOOOOOOVE it! It's a great shade, not too light or too dark.
So, I'm excited to FINALLY show ya'll the finished floors! The first two are the floors without the stain(after they'd already taken the old stain off of the living room floors! ) And then I have the picture of the kitchen floors, and then I'll go through the finished living & dining room floors!
Living Room with newly sanded floors!
Dining room once they put in the new boards!
Kitchen Floors! I'm so happy with how they turned out!
This is my (previously empty) living room:
Living Room before I moved the furniture back in!
Dining Room! I do not miss the old floors from this room AT ALL. I love that everything matches now!
This it the view down the hallway(towards the front door!)
And now... for the moved in pictures & some Fall Accents!
Here's one view of my living room! The floor over by the TV previously had some damage, so thankfully, while they were refinishing these floors, they were able to replace the damaged piece with one of the leftover boards from another room!
A wider show of my living room! I finally got around to adding some cotton and fall florals to my mantle– I love how cozy it feels!
Close up of the dining room floors & my amazing new rug! I love a good Target Sale!
This is going to be my little sitting nook behind my dining room table.
Since this space is so huge, I have another little sitting area here. This is the space that I'll have my yoga mat too!
I'll be adding a few more Fall things over the next few weeks, so stay tuned! I'm also planning on adding more Budget DIY ideas really really soon! Have you updated a room in your home recently? How did it turn out?? Let me know in the comments!
xo, Lauren