Painted Floors - Easy (& Relatively inexpensive) way to upgrade a space!
Hi guys! This week, my mom sent me a link to this awesome article from Garden & Gun about the southern tradition of Painted Floors, and I loved it so much that I wanted to talk about it today! Plus, I get to talk about a little bit of art history, and that’s always fun!
SO if you're looking for a relatively inexpensive way to update your space, keep painted floors in mind! A little paint can go a LONG way towards making a space feel completely different.
History Part:
In 1805, Thomas Jefferson decided to paint the floors of his beautiful Monticello home green, after seeing the painted floors of Gilbert Stuart(a portraitist whom Jefferson sat for) who also helped Jefferson decide on the right shade of freen! His letters discusses the need to put a varnish overtop the painted floor & floor cloth after the paint dried, so that it wouldn’t be sticky and could withstand being washed. Check out Benjamin Moore’s Lafayette Green for a similar shade!
Sassy about the broken wrist(on a bench at Mn
Choosing a Color:
Obviously, when choosing a color, keep wall colors & furniture colors in mind, but I wanted to go over a few different options!
Black (or Dark Gray!) –
A dark color will “ground” the room, and black or gray can be chosen in a warm or cool hue, which can go with many different kinds of lighting in the space!
Cream Colored/Off-white – brightens a space, the warm hue(as opposed to white) will warm up the space and make it feel airy and warm.
Painted Stairs can be another way to add really pretty accent
Green or Blue – IF you let the walls and furniture in your space be neutral colors(light gray, white, etc.) using a brightly saturated blue or green will give the room modern feel! Ocean blue shades will also pair really well with reddish woods and can be paired with reds and whites to give your room an Americana/beachy feel!
Red- Perfect for Americana rooms and spaces with lots of Antiques! Gives a space a really warm feeling, and just think how pretty they could be at Christmas!
Photo: Pinterest Via Country Living: Annie Schlecter, Prop Styling By Becki Griffin
So, I've talked about it before (here) but haint blue porch ceilings are THE BEST! I love that adding a coat or two of paint has the potential to add so much character to a house.
So simple. So Southern. and Dreamy?
I don't think I've ever use the word dreamy.
Thanks for reading! Would you consider painting your floors? I feel like it would work on laminate flooring too, depending on how they're installed!
Keep scrolling to see a second picture of our trip to Monticello, I felt like this snaggle-toothed gem needed ot have a space in the post too! I was a big fan of big hats!